Example of a Marketing Budget

How to Create a Marketing Budget

In this example of a marketing budget, we discuss a plumbing company with 12 employees and a turnover of $2,197,706 USD.

We will present a thorough overview of how the business can allocate its marketing investment of $219,770 USD. This corresponds to 10% of the turnover.

The goal is to maximize the return and achieve the company's objectives. We will show the distribution of the budget between different marketing channels and activities. This includes digital marketing, email marketing, inbound marketing, reputation building, sponsorships, collaborations, and printed materials. Additionally, we will set aside a marketing reserve for unforeseen expenses.

By balancing cost-effectiveness and efficiency, we will tailor the budget to the company's unique needs and priorities. By following this marketing budget, the plumbing company can invest in targeted and result-oriented marketing initiatives. This contributes to increased turnover, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

Digital Marketing: 35% of the total budget, $76,974 USD

Email Marketing: 10% of the total budget, $21,977 USD

Inbound Marketing: 15% of the total budget, $32,965 USD

Reputation Building: 20% of the total budget, $43,954 USD

Sponsorships and Collaborations: 10% of the total budget, $21,977 USD

Printed Materials and Promotional Items: 5% of the total budget, $10,988 USD

Marketing Reserve: 5% of the total budget, $10,988 USD

Total Marketing Budget: 1,997,915 NOK

This detailed example of a marketing budget for a plumbing company with 12 employees and a turnover of $2.2 million USD demonstrates the distribution of the total budget of $220,000 USD across various marketing activities and channels. The budget allocation is based on prioritizing the most effective and relevant marketing methods for the plumbing company.

By following this budget, the plumbing company can invest in marketing activities targeted at their specific audience, contributing to increased turnover, brand awareness, and customer base.

Remember, this budget is an example and can be adapted to the specific needs and priorities of the business. It is important to evaluate and adjust the budget regularly based on results and market changes.